How to Use Hiking Backpack For Motorcycles

Hiking backpacks aren’t just for The Great Outdoors, they’re also the perfect pack for on the back of your motorcycle.  I’m not talking about my big Harley Davidson Touring Bike with saddle bags(you’re probably doing something wrong if you need a backpack on one of these) A lot of smaller bikes don’t come with saddlebags so you have to find alternative ways to carry some gear.  Whenever I ride one of my smaller bikes to work I need to bring along a change of clothes. Unfortunately I don’t have saddlebags so I choose to use a hiking backpack instead. You’d be surprised at just how comfortable a lightweight backpack is on the back of your bike.

My favorite Hiking Backpack for my motorcycle is the Osprey Stratos 24L Pack. Osprey’s 24L pack is the perfect size for short trips and going back and forth to work.  You can’t go wrong with Osprey’s extremely secure design and durable construction. You won’t find a better pack for the money.

Can You Wear a Hiking Backpack on a Motorcycle?

If I had a dollar for everytime somebody asked me about my motorcycle backpack I’d be a rich man. It always seems to amaze me just how perplexed people seem when I roll up with a pack on my back. I probably wouldn’t get as much attention if I had a parrot on my shoulder.(maybe I just look like approachable. Whatever it is people just can’t wrap their  heads around motorcycle backpacks.

There are so many great uses for motorcycle backpacks that it would be impossible to name them all. Personally I use mine to carry my laptop, a set of workout clothes and towel because I workout before work. I’ve also been known to toss in a compact fishing rod for a quick trip to the lake during lunch(don’t tell my boss why I’m always late).

What’s The Best Motorcycle Hiking Backpack?

Hiking backpack that you choose it’s going to depend on how much gear you actually need to carry. Personally I like to use my Osprey Stratos 24L Pack on the back of my bike. You would be surprised just how much gear you can fit inside a 24L Backpack.  It’s the same pack that I take on short day trips if that puts it into perspective.  I have a ton of great hiking backpacks at home, but I still chose to buy that 24L Osprey.  I tried using one of my bigger 44L and 50L packs but they were just to cumbersome.  The Osprey pack just felt much more secure when moving around my bike.

Even though I like to use a smaller pack that doesn’t mean that you will too. If you need to carry a lot of gear you might want to bump up the size to a 34 liter or 42 liter pack. Once you start looking at packs you start to notice what other people are wearing. I seem to see a lot of people carrying the Osprey Stratos 34L Backpack and Kelty Redwing 32L Backpack.  Personally I think a 34L pack is a little big for my needs, but your mileage may vary.

Do Hiking Backpacks Throw Off Your Balance?

I probably wouldn’t recommend for a beginner to use a hiking backpack, but they’re actually really safe.Beginners just don’t need the possible distractions that a backpack can pose. Straps flailing in the wind comes to mind, but if you’ve been riding for a while that shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Since hiking backpacks are designed to be carried over long distances they tend to have a ton of support. When properly adjusted it’s not going to move on your back when you go into a turn. just like you probably won’t notice 10 to 15 pounds of extra fat on your stomach without looking in the mirror,You probably won’t notice a well-adjusted backpack. If you don’t know how to properly adjust a backpack I would suggest going to your local hiking store to get fitted.

How Much Gear Will a Hiking Backpack Hold?

The total amount of gear that your pack will hold is going to depend on what size you choose.  hiking backpacks are measured in the total number of liters that pack can hold. Most people that aren’t really into hiking have a hard time visualizing exactly how much gear can be fit into different packs.  Well you probably know a Liter is a measure of volume from your high school physics class, but how the hell do you figure out how big that is?

I could tell you that a liter is equivalent to a 1000 cubic centimeters but that isn’t going to help you either. the easiest way to visualize it is going to be to look at a 2 liter bottle of  Coca-Cola to visualize exactly how big a 24L pack is. If you can’t fit a days worth of gear in the space 12 2 Liter bottles of soda takes up you’re doing something wrong.

Another way to visualize it is that a standard carry on suitcase is equivelant to a 44L hiking backpack.  So you’ll fit a little more than half of what you could in a standard suitcase in the Osprey Stratos 24L pack.  In other words, you can fit a shitload of gear in a 24L pack so that’s probably all you’re going to need.

Advantages of Carrying a Motorcycle Backpack

  1. Carry Extra Gear:The obvious advantage of carrying a pack is that you can carry a ton of extra gear. It’s a perfect solution for long work days and short weekend trips.  I love the fact that after work I’m able to change out of my Suit & Tie and go out for a drink or two with my coworkers. I don’t feel uncomfortable sitting at the bar when I should be relaxing on a Friday night.
  2. Water Resistant:  Most hiking backpacks are going to be pretty darn water resistant compared to a traditional backpack.  There really is no comparison between the two.  Hiking backpacks aren’t going to let in any moisture on your standard commute.
  3. Extremely Secure Comfortable Fit:  Designed to be used on long hikes through the forest hiking backpacks tend to be extremely comfortable.  They have so many adjustments that you should be able to find the perfect fit.  A secure fit means the pack won’t be sliding around your back when making quick maneuvers.

Disadvantages of Hiking Backpacks

  1. Price: By far the biggest disadvantage is going to be price.  You aren’t going to be able to go down to your local walmart to find a secure bag.  The first bag I tried was one of the cheap ten dollar book bags you get before the school season.  I had serious issues with the weight shifting and throwing off my balance on the bike.  Luckily I never put the bike down, but beginners might not have been so lucky.
  2. Tiresome on Long Rides:  If you’re going on a long motorcycle trip there’s really no true substitute for a traditional saddle bag.  Yes a backpack will get the job done and you’ll have enough gear to go one a weekend trip, but you’ll probably call off your next 8 hour ride to the beach.  Your backs sore enough at the end of a long ride, so a hiking backpack will only wear it out faster.

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