{"id":5797,"date":"2018-11-28T00:38:15","date_gmt":"2018-11-28T00:38:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/rangetoreel.com\/?p=5797"},"modified":"2018-11-28T00:38:15","modified_gmt":"2018-11-28T00:38:15","slug":"preventing-dehydration-while-hiking","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/rangetoreel.com\/preventing-dehydration-while-hiking\/","title":{"rendered":"Preventing Dehydration While Hiking"},"content":{"rendered":"

Keeping properly hydrated out on the trail is easier said than done. \u00a0Your body is about 60% water when you’re fully hydrated. \u00a0During the heat of summer you’ll have to do a little bit of planning if you want to keep it that way.<\/p>\n

It might seem like staying comfortable and hydrated on the trail is as simple as just drinking more water, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. \u00a0You’ll have to learn how to develop good drinking habits on the trail to avoid dehydration.<\/p>\n


How to Prevent Dehydration While Hiking<\/h2>\n

The best way to avoid dehydration during a hike is to make a conscience effort to drink more water over the course of a day. \u00a0Don’t just down a gallon of water when you show signs of dehydration. \u00a0Drinking slowly throughout the day and pacing your water intake is going to keep your body in peak shape.<\/p>\n

How Much Water Should You Drink on a Hike?<\/h3>\n

The amount of water you need to drink is going to depend on the difficulty of your hike. \u00a0Most people probably won’t even need to bring along a water bottle on a short hike during lunch. \u00a0You probably won’t even sweat on a short 1-2 hour hike during the spring or fall.<\/p>\n

Problems with dehydration start to show up on longer day hikes and during the heat of summer. \u00a0During the heat of summer you’ll need to drink about a liter of water per hour to avoid dehydration. \u00a0You might need even more on especially difficult terrain or during the hottest part of summer.<\/p>\n

Just try to imagine carrying around a couple 2 liter bottles of Coke on your next hike(It’s Not Going To Be Light). You’re going to need to find a easy way to carry in all that water.<\/p>\n


How Do You Carry All That Water on a Hike?<\/h4>\n

There’s no easy way around hauling all that water on your hike. \u00a0You’re going to have to find a way to either carry all the water with you or filter water in the field. \u00a0Check out my post on the best backpacking water filters<\/a> if you’re going on a multi-day hike.<\/p>\n

Short Hikes<\/h5>\n


On shorter hikes 1-2 hours you’ll be able to get by with a small water bottle like these Camelbak 1L Bottles<\/a> (Cheap and Really Durable) everybody seems to love. \u00a0Personally I go with the Lifestraw Water Filter Bottle<\/a>\u00a0that filters water as you drink. \u00a0It cleans out 99.9999% of bacteria and protozoa found in drinking water. \u00a0Plus if you run out of water you can safely fill it up in a small stream or pond.<\/p>\n

Intermediate Hikes 2+ Hours<\/h5>\n

During the summer you’re going to need a lot of water on a multi hour hike. \u00a0After a few hours out in the hot sun your going to need a lot of water to stay hydrated. \u00a0Nobody wants to get a leg cramp 5 miles away from their car (trust me the trip back isn’t fun).<\/p>\n

How are you going to carry all that water? Remember to stay hydrated you need about 1L of water per hour of moderate physical activity. \u00a0You’re going to need to get a hydration bladder to haul in all that water.<\/p>\n

There are a ton of cheap hydration bladders available to choose from<\/a>. \u00a0Personally I make sure I’m hydrated before I head out and bring along my 2 Liter Camelbak Hydration Pack<\/a>. \u00a0It was a little bit expensive, but the 2L bladder is about the perfect size for 3-4 hour hikes. \u00a0Plus it has enough room to bring along some lunch an all the extra supplies you need.<\/p>\n

On longer hikes I always toss a cheap water filter like the lifestraw in my pack<\/a> just in case. \u00a0It costs a little more than a movie ticket and it could just save your life in a emergency. \u00a0At the very least carry some cheap water purification tablets\u00a0<\/a>(35 minutes to fresh clean water).<\/p>\n

Long Hikes<\/h5>\n

You aren’t going to be able to haul all the water you’re going to need on a multi-day backpacking trip. \u00a0You’ll probably want some type of hydration bladder, but the bulk of your water is going to have to come from a natural source. \u00a0Bring along some type of water filter so you don’t get sick.<\/p>\n

Check out a few of my favorite backpacking water filters<\/a> or save yourself some time and just buy the MSR Trailshot Micro-Filtration System<\/a>. \u00a0Just find a water source and run it through the filter for instant clean water. \u00a0You can even quickly refill your hydration pack or water bottle with the Trailshot.<\/p>\n


Signs of Dehydration<\/h3>\n


Dehydration is one of those things that just slowly creeps up on you until it’s too late. \u00a0That’s why you really need to take in 1L of water per hour on hot days. \u00a0Severe dehydration is very serious so make sure you take precautions.<\/p>\n

Early Warning Signs<\/h4>\n

Dark Yellow and Brown Urine:<\/strong> \u00a0Most people only realize they’re dehydrated after they try to take a pee. \u00a0After they see that dark yellow or brown foul smelling urine they realize somethings up.<\/p>\n

Dry Mouth and Excessive Thirst:<\/strong> \u00a0Obviously you’re going to get thirsty when you’re dehydrated. \u00a0Watch out for chapped lips and dry mouth.<\/p>\n

Headache<\/strong>: \u00a0On extremely hot days don’t ignore that headache and blame your loud kids. \u00a0Headaches are one of the first signs of dehydration. \u00a0This is especially true for women who tend to avoid relieving themselves out in the woods without toilet paper. \u00a0Maybe your headache isn’t caused by your loud obnoxious kids (who knows maybe it is).<\/p>\n

Light Headedness and Nausea:<\/strong>\u00a0 Anybody that’s ever gone on a long run knows what I’m talking about. \u00a0Light headedness is caused by lack of electrolytes and salt in your body. \u00a0Once you get back to civilization buy yourself a bottle of pedialyte and you’ll be back to normal in no time.<\/p>\n

General Irritability and Tiredness<\/strong>: \u00a0After a while your eyes will start to droop and you might start to feel a little slap happy. \u00a0On the opposite side of the spectrum some people get generally pissed off at the world.<\/p>\n

Treating Dehydration<\/h3>\n

For severe dehydration seek medical attention immediately. \u00a0Dehydration can quickly turn into a medical emergency if it gets to bad. \u00a0You can go into shock and lose consciousness.<\/p>\n

Mild and moderate dehydration on the other hand is usually easily treatable. \u00a0Get out of direct sunlight to slow down perspiration and slowly take in water. \u00a0Take off all excess clothing to reduce sweating. \u00a0Just rest and continue drinking slowly until you start to feel a bit better. \u00a0After a few hours most people can back to their hike.<\/p>\n

Without access to water dehydration will likely get worse. \u00a0Severely dehydrated people are going to seem sleepy and confused, \u00a0irregular pulse, cold clammy or hot\/dry skin. \u00a0They could even lose consciousness or go into shock.<\/p>\n

Hiking With Children<\/h4>\n

If you’re bringing along a kid remember that you’re going to have to be responsible for both of you. \u00a0That includes both making them drink extra water and hauling it around. \u00a0For the sake of your own sanity you should probably limit your hike to 1-2 hours. \u00a0Don’t forget to bring along some snacks and sunscreen.<\/p>\n

When kids are excited and having fun on a hike it’s hard to get them to stop and take a drink of water. \u00a0You’ll have to be the one that forces them to take in enough water. \u00a0It doesn’t matter how thirsty they are they won’t admit it until it’s too late.<\/p>\n

Signs of Dehydration in Infants and Small Children<\/h5>\n

Recognizing dehydration in small children is extremely difficult. \u00a0Most of the time you won’t be able to tell if the child is lightheaded or has a headache, so focus on the more obvious signs.<\/p>\n

The first sign most parents spot is dry lips\/tongue and general crankiness. \u00a0General irritability and sleepiness is a very common sign of dehydration. \u00a0You should know the normal behavior of your child so pay attention to abnormalities.<\/p>\n

Fewer pee breaks are another very obvious sign of dehydration. \u00a0Most parents have a general idea of how often they need to change diapers. \u00a0So if suddenly your normal change time is pushed back an hour dehydration might be the problem. \u00a0Also watch out for dark and foul smelling urine.<\/p>\n


Finding Water While Hiking<\/h3>\n


All hikers need to figure out where they’re going to get water before going into the woods. \u00a0But what happens if that source is all dried up when you get there. \u00a0Don’t panic hopefully you’re not already dehydrated. \u00a0You should be able to quickly find a alternative water source. \u00a0Most people can live a few days without water.<\/p>\n

Follow The Stream<\/h4>\n

So you get to the stream that was gushing water last year and it’s bone dry. \u00a0What should you do? \u00a0Make sure you mark your path clearly so you don’t get lost and walk upstream. \u00a0As you get closer to the water source you’re bound to find a small pool of water somewhere.<\/p>\n

Make sure you put in a little effort checking below rocks, trees and vegetation. \u00a0With a good water filter you’ll fill up your hydration bladder in no time.<\/p>\n

Keep an Eye Out For Animals<\/h4>\n

As a general rule most animals aren’t going to stray to far from water. \u00a0Deer normally setup shop within a few hundred feet of a water source.<\/p>\n

Livestock is another obvious sign that water is nearby. \u00a0Grazing cattle are always going to have a water source close by. \u00a0Just make sure you treat the water before drinking. Don’t want to ingest poopy runoff.<\/p>\n

Find a Vantage Point<\/h4>\n

Look for the nearest vantage point so you can figure out the layout of the land. \u00a0Remember that water always runs downhill so look for valleys and ditches. \u00a0Lots of green vegetation in otherwise barren land normally means there’s a water supply.<\/p>\n


Other Things To Consider<\/h4>\n


Determining how much water you need to drink isn’t cut and dry. \u00a0Hiking in Ohio won’t require as much water as hiking the Grand Canyon. \u00a0Your water intake needs to suit your individual needs.<\/p>\n